You can help bring Hope, Dignity, and a Sense of Belonging to every refugee child.
The refugee crisis is far-reaching. But together we can solve it.
You can make the difference… We make it easier…

Welcome, Compassionate Friends!

Do you have a heart for volunteering with refugee children in the United States? Charitable organizations often rely on volunteers like you to carry out their missions, but covering travel and lodging expenses can be a burden. At RAMP Foundation, we believe that passionate individuals like you should be able to make a difference in these children’s lives, regardless of financial constraints. We provide travel expense funding and informal training to equip volunteers like you with the tools and knowledge needed to create lasting, positive change.

The Power of Volunteering: Volunteering with refugee children gives your life a renewed sense of purpose and profoundly impacts the lives of those you serve. As a volunteer, you’ll cultivate compassion, empathy, and generosity while fostering invaluable connections with people from diverse backgrounds. Sharing your time and talents can inspire hope and a sense of belonging in refugees facing immense challenges. Moreover, the courage and resilience demonstrated by refugees inspire us all, especially during challenging times.

       “Volunteering is an act of heroism on a grand scale. And it matters profoundly. It does more than help people beat the odds; it changes the odds.” – Bill Clinton.

"A Light in the Storm, Lady Liberty" - Brent Borup

Our Passion, Your Purpose

At the heart of our great nation lies a powerful legacy: one of embracing immigrants and refugees who have journeyed to our shores. Today, we carry forward this cherished tradition, welcoming and embracing those who have been displaced by persecution, conflict, or natural disasters. Each generation of newcomers has contributed to the strength and diversity of our nation, enriching our society, economy, and culture.

They are not a drain on our economy; instead, they contribute to our growth and innovation. As our labor market evolves, we must acknowledge newcomers’ crucial role in sustaining our economic prosperity and global competitiveness. 

As a policy option, immigration has always been one of the levers available to address labor shortages or skill gaps. Yet, native citizens fear a disruption in their economy and culture. But in reality, refugees stimulate the economy, enrich the culture and supplement the job market. Reports by New American Economy bear out these facts.

Introducing RAMP Foundation

We are a unique nonprofit organization, bridging the gap between passionate volunteers and the organizations that need them most. By funding travel expenses and offering vital knowledge on child and refugee matters, we empower volunteers to make a difference in the lives of the most vulnerable.

In collaboration with more than 300 refugee resettlement and related organizations across the U.S., our mission is to support and uplift those who devote their time and energy to the cause. We begin with a focus on refugee children, but our vision extends to assisting displaced children from all backgrounds, including asylum seekers, migrants, immigrants, and indigenous communities.

We understand that not everyone has the resources or confidence to volunteer, even when their hearts are right. The RAMP Foundation strives to break down these barriers, making it easier for compassionate individuals to follow their dreams and change their lives.

                                           Together, we can create a better tomorrow for everyone. Join us in making a difference today.

What Is At Stake?

The future of millions of children is at stake! Displaced children deserve protection, care, and support to assimilate and feel at home. Together, we can help them not only to survive but strive, empowering them to become contributing members of society.

According to UNICEF, children are dramatically over-represented among the world’s refugees. Children make up less than one third of the global population, but they were 50 percent of the world’s refugees in 2019. Millions of children are on the move. Far too many encounter danger, detention, deprivation and discrimination on their journeys, and at their destinations or upon return.

It does not have to be this way. We can help! Together! The suffering and exclusion of displaced children is not only unacceptable and unnecessary but also preventable. A child is a child, no matter why they leave home, where they come from, where they are, or how they got there. 

When we bring these children hope, dignity, and a sense of belonging, their chances of becoming contributing members of our society is vastly improved. So let us help them rebuild their lives. Their empowerment is critical for all of us. Some statistics show that today’s refugees are on course to do as well as we have done, and maybe even better.

The chart shows refugee admissions and annual resettlement ceilings from the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program’s inception in 1980 through the first month of fiscal year 2022. In addition, our country is unexpectedly challenged to welcome some 70,000 Afghan and 100,000 Ukrainian refugees torn from their countries due to the ravages of wars.

Our Video Gallery

We have selected these videos to help you determine if volunteering with displaced children is for you. Or not! The videos reflect the deep and far-reaching challenges imposed on youngsters because of involuntary displacement. Yet refugee children and adolescents exhibit resilience despite a history of trauma. Organizations, with the help of volunteers, are critical change agents in these circumstances. Their impact is vital and long-lasting.

The Unspeakable Trauma

Many young refugees experience trauma related to war or persecution that may affect their mental and physical health long after the events have occurred. They may be traumatized in their country of origin or during displacement from their country or even later, here in the US. In this 4-minute video, child psychologist, Essam Daod, describes the “Human devastation Syndrome” that may affect them.

The Havoc of Fleeing

It is tragic to be displaced from your home. This video shows the frightening impact of war on Syrian children. Yet it is amazing to see their resilience in the face of hopelessness. This 24-minute video is a 2017 report by Dateline and shows that there is much work to be done to give kids hope, dignity, and a sense of belonging.

The Impact of Volunteers

The contributions of volunteers are critical. Their impact can make the difference between success and failure of an organization. This 5-minute video shows the United Nations Volunteers program that mobilizes thousands of young volunteers to provide leadership and inspiration, while building the skills and experience of the leaders of tomorrow and today.


RAMP Foundation is committed to helping individuals to work with displaced children.
For you to be willing to donate your time and talents and provide leadership and inspiration to children longing for hope, dignity, and a sense of belonging is amazing.

Receive child refugee related training to understand cultural differences, the effects of trauma, and ages and stages of child development. It is critical for success to understand their trauma, fears, and longings even on a general level.
Travel support is based on availability of funds and requires you have an arrangement with one of the many resettlement organizations in the U.S. We ask you to complete a straight-forward online application.

Our Partners

RAMP Foundation partners with resettlement organizations based in the United States to achieve its mission. We do not work directly with refugee children, but our experienced partners do. They are a critical part of reaching our goals. 
There are many reputable charitable organizations in the United States that you may want to check out for your short-term assignment to work with refugee children or other types of displaced youngsters. We have listed links to many U.S.-based charities that welcome contributions of on-site volunteers. These organizations are scattered all over the United States. You will also find them listed online, on websites such as Charity Navigator and Guidestar that evaluate charity organizations. This should give you the confidence that you will be dealing with reputable organizations. RAMP Foundation does not get involved in negotiating a suitable placement for you. You will know best which volunteer opportunity appeals to you as you explore opportunities with a potential host organization. The arrangement you make with them as to timing, location, and other details of your assignment will be needed for your application for travel funds.