Arm Yourself with Knowledge

For anything worth doing, it is best to be prepared. Knowing and understanding the circumstances you may encounter when working with refugee children will bolster your confidence and experience and will help ensure best results.

We are witnessing the highest level of people displacement, in the U.S. and around the world. It is a complex situation and frequently changing. For example, there are reports about treatment of children in government custody which changes from one administration to the next. Not surprising, there are also reports that many generous Americans have shown their desire to help. There are many ways to become involved as a hands-on volunteer. One way is to keep up with the facts about the situation. Another is to contribute your time and talents to refugee children on-site. That is an effective way your impact can be directly and personally felt.

What is an effective way to learn and stay informed about this difficult situation? How can you conveniently prepare yourself to be the best volunteer you can be? You can achieve both ends by arming yourself with knowledge. Understanding the complexity of displaced persons and who and how and what is involved will also prepare you to more easily secure a volunteer assignment with a charity of your choice.

Many credible organizations can give you a working overview. Our Partners’ page has some 300 up-to-date links for you. And there are many more websites that tell the story. Enjoy the videos below and, as you do, keep diversity and inclusion in mind. By taking in the messages and facts outlined in the videos you will see that this is a worthwhile situation where you, too, can contribute!

RAMP Foundation has selected several diverse videos to help you get up to speed. Here are some of our favorites.

Graduate School Project Cultural Diversity One World

Do One Thing for Diversity and Inclusion

UNHCR Where Do refugees Come From?

UNHCR What is the difference between a migrant and a refugee?

TED-Ed What does it mean to be a refugee?

KCET Immigration 101: Refugees, Migrants, Asylum Seekers – What’s the Difference?

KleerSerieS Putting Yourself In Someone Else’s Shoes

TEDx Amana Academy Diversity and Inclusion: Lessons in Friendship and Love

HiHo Kids Kids Meet A Refugee

TGI Fellowship The Labels We Cary